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Zend Framework教程-Zend_Db-数据库操作6-Zend_Db_Table_Definition翻译

来源:程序员人生   发布时间:2013-11-14 02:02:44 阅读次数:4262次

Introduction 简介

Zend_Db_Table_Definition is a class that can be used to describe the relationships and configuration options that should be used when Zend_Db_Table is used via concrete instantiation.

Zend_Db_Table_Definition  用于定义关联关系和对实例化Zend_Db_Table的相关选项配置的类。

Basic Usage

For all of the same options that are available when configuring an extendedZend_Db_Table_Abstract class, those options are also available when describing a definition file. 

 所有继承实现Zend_Db_Table_Abstract 类的配置选项,都是可以使用定义描述文件的。

This definition file should be passed to the class at instantiation time so that it can know the full definition of all tables in said definition.


Below is a definition that will describe the table names and relationships between table objects. 


Note: if 'name' is left out of the definition, it will be taken as the key of the defined table (an example of this is in the 'genre' section in the example below.)


Example #1 Describing the Definition of a Database Data Model  数据库的数据模型定义描述

$definition = new Zend_Db_Table_Definition(array(    'author' => array(        'name' => 'author',        'dependentTables' => array('book')        ),    'book' => array(        'name' => 'book',        'referenceMap' => array(            'author' => array(                'columns' => 'author_id',                'refTableClass' => 'author',                'refColumns' => 'id'                )            )        ),    'genre' => null,    'book_to_genre' => array(        'referenceMap' => array(            'book' => array(                'columns' => 'book_id',                'refTableClass' => 'book',                'refColumns' => 'id'                ),            'genre' => array(                'columns' => 'genre_id',                'refTableClass' => 'genre',                'refColumns' => 'id'                )            )        )    ));

As you can see, the same options you'd generally see inside of an extended Zend_Db_Table_Abstract class are documented in this array as well. 


When passed into  Zend_Db_Table constructor, this definition ispersisted to any tables it will need to create in order to return the proper rows.

当传入  Zend_Db_Table 构造函数时, 这个定义会被持久化到所有表中。它必须被创建目的是为了返回对应的行 。

Below is an example of the primary table instantiation as well as thefindDependentRowset() and findManyToManyRowset() calls that will correspond to the data model described above:

下面是通过上面定义的主表实例化的例子,然后调用 findDependentRowset()和 findManyToManyRowset()方法:

Example #2 Interacting with the described definition 描述定义使用


$authorTable = new Zend_Db_Table('author', $definition);$authors = $authorTable->fetchAll(); foreach ($authors as $author) {    echo $author->id       . ': '       . $author->first_name       . ' '       . $author->last_name       . PHP_EOL;    $books = $author->findDependentRowset('book');    foreach ($books as $book) {        echo '    Book: ' . $book->title . PHP_EOL;        $genreOutputArray = array();        $genres = $book->findManyToManyRowset('genre', 'book_to_genre');        foreach ($genres as $genreRow) {            $genreOutputArray[] = $genreRow->name;        }        echo '        Genre: ' . implode(', ', $genreOutputArray) . PHP_EOL;    }}

Advanced Usage高级用法

Sometimes you want to use both paradigms for defining and using the table gateway: both by extension and concrete instantiation.To do this simply leave out any table configurations out of the definition. 

有时可能会同时使用Zend_Db_Table和 Zend_Db_Table_Definition。要做到这一点,只需实现所有表的定义,即可。

This will allow Zend_Db_Table to look for the actual refered class instead of the definition key.


Building on the example above, we will allow for one of the table configurations to be aZend_Db_Table_Abstract extended class, while keeping the rest of the tables as part of the definition. 

基于上面的例子, 我们可以配置其中一个 实例化Zend_Db_Table_Abstract 的类,   而其它的表保持原有定义。

We will also show how one would interact with this new definition.


Example #3 Interacting A Mixed Use Zend_Db_Table Definition 混合使用Zend_Db_Table定义

class MyBook extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract{    protected $_name = 'book';    protected $_referenceMap = array(        'author' => array(            'columns' => 'author_id',            'refTableClass' => 'author',            'refColumns' => 'id'            )        );} $definition = new Zend_Db_Table_Definition(array(    'author' => array(        'name' => 'author',        'dependentTables' => array('MyBook')        ),    'genre' => null,    'book_to_genre' => array(        'referenceMap' => array(            'book' => array(                'columns' => 'book_id',                'refTableClass' => 'MyBook',                'refColumns' => 'id'                ),            'genre' => array(                'columns' => 'genre_id',                'refTableClass' => 'genre',                'refColumns' => 'id'                )            )        )    )); $authorTable = new Zend_Db_Table('author', $definition);$authors = $authorTable->fetchAll(); foreach ($authors as $author) {    echo $author->id       . ': '       . $author->first_name       . ' '       . $author->last_name       . PHP_EOL;    $books = $author->findDependentRowset(new MyBook());    foreach ($books as $book) {        echo '    Book: ' . $book->title . PHP_EOL;        $genreOutputArray = array();        $genres = $book->findManyToManyRowset('genre', 'book_to_genre');        foreach ($genres as $genreRow) {            $genreOutputArray[] = $genreRow->name;        }        echo '        Genre: ' . implode(', ', $genreOutputArray) . PHP_EOL;    }}


