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来源:程序员人生   发布时间:2015-03-26 09:43:24 阅读次数:3672次


Per Brasher

       描绘某些个别公司热中于对之夸大其词的趋势实在是太受人欢迎了。我的公司Yttibrium(Per Brasher是该公司的开创人,同时也是PMC的资深技术顾问)耗费了数周的时间,寻根究底,试图为客户描画出1幅清晰的图画 。以下是针对今后几年数据中心发展趋势的若干核心预测。


       由于美国能源署严格规定,任何取得国家科学基金的项目必须保持PUE在1.4乃至更高水平,而ASHRAE (美国采暖、制冷与空调工程师学会TC9.条令则建议城市PUE值保持在1.2或更高,几近所有的建筑公司要末是找到了切实方法,要末是把数据“洗绿”了以满足这些需求。如果你还不了解该计算程式的漏洞所在,只需想想,若是在系统中加上效力显著提升的IT负载会怎样样…哦?!明显,发明这个方程的目的并不是意在中断IT负载层面的任何创新?!












       HDD-> SMR

       DRAM-> NVDiMM

       IA-> SOC

       Tape-> BluRay

       NVMe/ PCIE Gen4 得到强势推动


 Data Center Trends

       It was incredibly popular to write abouttrends that one or another company thought reasonable to self aggrandize about.Yttibrium spent literally weeks sifting through all the mud to get a clearpicture for our clients. Here is our top pick for the coming year(s).

The Race for a Low PUE is Over

       With the DOE having mandated anyonegetting NSF funds must have a PUE of 1.4 or better, and ASHRAE TC9.9 havingmade the recommendation that municipalities require a PUE of 1.2 or better(good option to get more revenue if you ask me..tax the wasters!) Almost everybuilder out there has either created anoffering, or found a way to 'green wash' the numbers to meet the needs. If youare not familiar with the faultiness of the formula, just think what happens tothe overall number when you put in significantly more efficient IT load.. oops,that is not the intention of the formula, to stop innovation at the IT loadlevel.

Move to Rack Scale Solutions

       Racks are more and more being builtoff-site and once rolled into the DC, provisioned in 'minutes'. Many vendorstout this as SDDC, but in reality the cost savings of off-site integrators,test and burn in before the equipment hist the floor is compelling. Enterpriseshave been slow to adopt much of the SD* due mostly to an unclear cost/riskcalculation, but with Rack Scale Solutions having both lower cost and lowerrisk, expect to see the demand rise significantly as solutions providers wakeup.

POD Based Designs

        I avoid calling them 'Modular' or'Containerized' because some solutions use empty warehouse spaces, and plop acontainment system in the middle, and others build a row, put cooling fins onthe rear doors or over the isle, and even some build the whole building likethis. Point being the trend to sale as you grow Data Center systems haseliminated the huge up-front costs we saw in the past. Now everything from theinfrastructure point of view can be predesigned, and copy-paste deployment style.Again lowered risk, and lowered cost has it effect, so expect to see rapidadoption in this space as well.

Low Power Density Solutions Dominate

        As economizers are becoming the norm,and the supply side temperatures are being raised, the ability to cool becomesa critical element to manage. DCiM tools are not up-to-snuff yet, with a lackof integration with app loads, so we look to the density question to reducerisk. Since most access speeds are not critically important, look to see thebuildings trend away from the metropolitan districts in favor of a suburbanspace. this releases the pressure to go to 50+ U racks and high densitycompute, after all, "land is cheap outside Boise ID".

Airside Economizers Work for 60% of Potential Sites World Wide

       The choice of warm and dry vs. warm andwet is a real battle, but with the added losses of the waterside economizer,huge storage tanks are needed to cool the water over night, and use it duringthe day. That makes the overall cost rise, but does little to reduce risk.

SAS will Become the Storage Network

       SATA endpoints on a SAS 'fabric' isbecoming more popular. Challenge is when tunneling SATA, endpoints of differingspeeds, can bugger up things for the others. So we see these as micro nets,allowing a very reduced use-case, like HA fail-over, or other simpleavailability/sharing needs. The trend to take the drives off of the serverchassis and into their own enclosure has proven better for the drives (loweredEMI etc. makes them live longer) and for service (faster and tool-less swap),but left us wanting for just a little touch of network intelligence.

Technologies to Watch

       HDD-> SMR

       DRAM-> NVDiMM

       IA-> SOC

      Tape-> BluRay

      NVMe/ PCIE Gen4 getting a needed shot of steroids

      Sensors in the DC, BigData will start to run the DC
