开发版:Momonga Linux 5 RC发布
来源:程序员人生 发布时间:2014-03-29 02:35:14 阅读次数:2814次
Momonga Linux是一份在其用户社区中靠“集贸市场”模式开发的Linux发行。你可能会问为什么要命名为Momonga。这其实是生活在欧洲及亚洲的一种鼯鼠,它被认为是一种自作主张的动物,尽管它的个头很小。我们Momonga项目组,就像鼯鼠那样个小不出名,但我们毫无担心或矫造地展示自己,因而新用户能感受到我们的热忱及对Momonga Linux的信心。Momonga Linux的安装程序也叫做momonga;正如它的名字一样,它迅速有效地完成任务,就像一只鼯鼠一样。
Masahiro Takahata has announced the availability of the release candidate for
Momonga Linux 5, a Japanese community distribution loosely modelled on Fedora. Some of the main features and changes compared to the project's earlier release include: reduced the size of the installation media to one DVD (additional packages are available on download servers); Linux kernel 2.6.26 with expanded hardware support, virtualisation and support for new file systems (btrfs and nilfs, reiser4fs); X.Org 7.4 and Mesa 7.1 with improved graphics card support and Compiz compatibility; replaced SysVInit with Canonical's Upstart for faster booting; switched to the GCC compiler 3.4 series; replaced Sun Java with OpenJDK 1.6; introduced support for virtualisation with OpenVZ and Xen. For more information please see the
release announcement and
release notes (both links in Japanese).
Momonga-5-RC-i686-DVD.iso (3,743MB,
Momonga-5-RC-x86_64-DVD.iso (3,810MB,