来源:程序员人生 发布时间:2013-12-01 16:47:58 阅读次数:2540次
Recently, my Windows Server 2003 box started acting up. I am not sure
if one of the hotfixes downloaded automatically by the server caused
this or a recently installed application is the culprit.
When the server boots, it goes all the way to the CTRL+ALT+DEL window.
After logging in, the Windows Desktop and Taskbar just seem to never
appear. It just sits there. Eventually, after several minutes, the
desktop appears but is generally unresponsive. In Safe Mode, the
desktop appears with no problems.
Resolve Method
For those of you who are interested, I finally resolved this issue. It
apears as some MS patch changed the permissions on the following
registry key:
In order to resolve the problem, the following permissions were added
Registry Key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCLSID (and all child keys and values)
Permissions Added:
Authenticated users: Read access
Network Service: full control