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来源:程序员人生   发布时间:2015-05-28 08:50:25 阅读次数:4034次



3128:20150429:114455.871 history data from active proxy on “” failed: proxy “jinrong” not found


[root@monitor src]# grep “history data from active proxy” * -r|more
zabbix_server/trapper/trapper.c: zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, “history data from active proxy on ”%s” failed: %s”,

得出是trapper.c 致使。


/****************************************************************************** * * * Function: recv_proxyhistory * * * * Purpose: processes the received values from active proxies * * * ******************************************************************************/ static void recv_proxyhistory(zbx_sock_t *sock, struct zbx_json_parse *jp) { const char *__function_name = "recv_proxyhistory"; zbx_uint64_t proxy_hostid; char host[HOST_HOST_LEN_MAX], *error = NULL; int ret; zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "In %s()", __function_name); if (SUCCEED != (ret = get_active_proxy_id(jp, &proxy_hostid, host, &error))) { zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "history data from active proxy on "%s" failed: %s", get_ip_by_socket(sock), error); goto out; } update_proxy_lastaccess(proxy_hostid); ret = process_hist_data(sock, jp, proxy_hostid, error, sizeof(error)); out: zbx_send_response(sock, ret, error, CONFIG_TIMEOUT); zbx_free(error); zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "End of %s()", __function_name); }

也就是说 get_active_proxy_id(jp, &proxy_hostid, host, &error)) 这个函数履行不正确的话,会报上面的错。
问题又转化为 get_active_proxy_id的履行了。
继续搜索 get_active_proxy_id 这个函数的源码文件,

[root@monitor src]# grep get_active_proxy_id * -r Binary file libs/zbxdbhigh/libzbxdbhigh.a matches Binary file libs/zbxdbhigh/libzbxdbhigh_a-proxy.o matches libs/zbxdbhigh/proxy.c: * Function: get_active_proxy_id * libs/zbxdbhigh/proxy.c:int get_active_proxy_id(struct zbx_json_parse *jp, zbx_uint64_t *hostid, char *host, char **error) Binary file zabbix_server/trapper/proxyhosts.o matches zabbix_server/trapper/proxydiscovery.c: if (SUCCEED != (ret = get_active_proxy_id(jp, &proxy_hostid, host, &error))) zabbix_server/trapper/trapper.c: if (SUCCEED != (ret = get_active_proxy_id(jp, &proxy_hostid, host, &error))) zabbix_server/trapper/trapper.c: if (SUCCEED != (ret = get_active_proxy_id(jp, &proxy_hostid, host, &error))) Binary file zabbix_server/trapper/trapper.o matches Binary file zabbix_server/trapper/proxydiscovery.o matches Binary file zabbix_server/trapper/proxyconfig.o matches zabbix_server/trapper/proxyautoreg.c: if (SUCCEED != (ret = get_active_proxy_id(jp, &proxy_hostid, host, &error))) zabbix_server/trapper/proxyconfig.c: if (SUCCEED != get_active_proxy_id(jp, &proxy_hostid, host, &error)) Binary file zabbix_server/trapper/proxyautoreg.o matches Binary file zabbix_server/trapper/libzbxtrapper.a matches zabbix_server/trapper/proxyhosts.c: if (SUCCEED != (ret = get_active_proxy_id(jp, &proxy_hostid, host, &error))) Binary file zabbix_server/zabbix_server matches

可以看到是在libs/zbxdbhigh/proxy.c 文件中定义

/****************************************************************************** * * * Function: get_active_proxy_id * * * * Purpose: extract a proxy name from JSON and find the proxy ID in database. * * The proxy must be configured in active mode. * * * * Parameters: jp - [IN] JSON with the proxy name * * hostid - [OUT] proxy host ID found in database * * host - [IN] buffer with minimum size * * 'HOST_HOST_LEN_MAX' * * error - [OUT] error message * * * * Return value: SUCCEED - proxy ID was found in database * * FAIL - an error occurred (e.g. an unknown proxy or the * * proxy is configured in passive mode * * * * Author: Alexander Vladishev * * * ******************************************************************************/ int get_active_proxy_id(struct zbx_json_parse *jp, zbx_uint64_t *hostid, char *host, char **error) { DB_RESULT result; DB_ROW row; char *host_esc; int ret = FAIL, status; if (SUCCEED == zbx_json_value_by_name(jp, ZBX_PROTO_TAG_HOST, host, HOST_HOST_LEN_MAX)) { if (FAIL == zbx_check_hostname(host)) { *error = zbx_dsprintf(*error, "invalid proxy name "%s"", host); return ret; } host_esc = DBdyn_escape_string(host); result = DBselect( "select hostid,status" " from hosts" " where host='%s'" " and status in (%d,%d)" ZBX_SQL_NODE, host_esc, HOST_STATUS_PROXY_ACTIVE, HOST_STATUS_PROXY_PASSIVE, DBand_node_local("hostid")); zbx_free(host_esc); if (NULL != (row = DBfetch(result)) && FAIL == DBis_null(row[0])) { if (SUCCEED == is_uint31(row[1], &status)) { if (HOST_STATUS_PROXY_ACTIVE == status) { ZBX_STR2UINT64(*hostid, row[0]); ret = SUCCEED; } else { *error = zbx_dsprintf(*error, "proxy "%s" is configured in passive mode", host); } } else THIS_SHOULD_NEVER_HAPPEN; } else *error = zbx_dsprintf(*error, "proxy "%s" not found", host); DBfree_result(result); } else *error = zbx_strdup(*error, "missing name of proxy"); return ret; }

分析这段源码,也就是说hosts表中查不到的时候是会报 proxy ”%s” not found 的。


MySQL [zabbix]> desc hosts;
