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1036. Boys vs Girls (25)

来源:程序员人生   发布时间:2015-05-25 09:08:54 阅读次数:3316次

This time you are asked to tell the difference between the lowest grade of all the male students and the highest grade of all the female students.

Input Specification:

Each input file contains one test case. Each case contains a positive integer N, followed by N lines of student information. Each line contains a student's name, gender, ID and grade, separated by a space, where name and ID are strings of no more than 10 characters with no space, gender is either F (female) or M (male), and grade is an integer between 0 and 100. It is guaranteed that all the grades are distinct.

Output Specification:

For each test case, output in 3 lines. The first line gives the name and ID of the female student with the highest grade, and the second line gives that of the male student with the lowest grade. The third line gives the difference gradeF-gradeM. If one such kind of student is missing, output "Absent" in the corresponding line, and output "NA" in the third line instead.

Sample Input 1:


Joe M Math990112 89

Mike M CS991301 100

Mary F EE990830 95

Sample Output 1:

Mary EE990830

Joe Math990112


Sample Input 2:


Jean M AA980920 60

Sample Output 2:


Jean AA980920


#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; struct student { char gender; int grade; string id; string name; }; int main() { int n, i; bool flag_m, flag_f; struct student student[101]; while(cin>>n) { flag_m = flag_f = false; int max_grade = 0; int min_grade = 100; int max_f = 0, min_m; for(i=0; i<n; i++) { cin>>student[i].name>>student[i].gender>>student[i].id>>student[i].grade; if(student[i].gender == 'M') { flag_m = true; if(student[i].grade <= min_grade) { min_grade = student[i].grade; min_m = i; } } else { flag_f = true; if(student[i].grade >= max_grade) { max_grade = student[i].grade; max_f = i; } } } if(flag_f) { cout<<student[max_f].name<<" "<<student[max_f].id<<endl; } else { cout<<"Absent"<<endl; } if(flag_m) { cout<<student[min_m].name<<" "<<student[min_m].id<<endl; } else { cout<<"Absent"<<endl; } if(flag_f&&flag_m) { cout<<student[max_f].grade - student[min_m].grade<<endl; } else { cout<<"NA"<<endl; } } return 0; }
