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Java Notes-10

来源:程序员人生   发布时间:2015-05-08 07:48:40 阅读次数:3378次

Summay: The Map Interface, Collection implementations

-Maps store and retrieve elements with key values


Map<String, Date> dateMap = new HashMap<String, Date>(); dateMap.put( "today", new Date() ); Date today = dateMap.get( "today" );


public V put( K key , V value )//This method adds the specified key/value pair to the map. public V get( K key )//This method retrieves the value corresponding to key from the map. public V remove( K key )//This method removes the value corresponding to key from the map public int size()//Use this method to find the number of key/value pairs in this map public Set keySet()//This method returns a Set that contains all the keys in this map. public Collection values()//Use this method to retrieve all the values in this map

-Map has one child interface,  SortedMap . A  SortedMap maintains its key/value pairs sorted
in a particular order according to the key values. 

-All of the methods of the  Collection interface would appear to make sense for  Map ,
except for  iterator() . A  Map , again, has two sets of objects: keys and values, and separate
iterators for each. This is why a  Map does not implement  Collection 

-ConcurrentMap, It extends the base  Map interface and adds atomic put, remove, and replace functionality that is
useful for concurrent programming

public V putIfAbsent( K key, V value )//This method associates the value with the key only if the key was not already in use. public boolean remove( Object key, Object value )//This method removes the mapping (key and value) only if the current value asso