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新书下载 Mastering jQuery UI2015.2

来源:程序员人生   发布时间:2015-04-07 08:58:31 阅读次数:3561次

Mastering jQuery UI

With browsers becoming more and more powerful each day, the jQueryUI library provides tools that can be used to create feature rich and interactive applications without bearing the pain of writing numerous lines of JavaScript.

Mastering jQuery UI will help you explore the depths of the jQuery UI library. Right from the first chapter, you will build your own projects while learning the intricacies of the library. Each chapter explores a new topic and covers some related components. By gaining confidence from the initial chapters you will proceed ahead to create complex applications like the Tabbed News reader utilizing the AJAX and Reddit APIs. As a bonus, you will also learn about the best and most proven practices earned through years of diligent work on the jQuery UI platform.

Each chapter is an independent mini project in itself covering different components from jQuery UI. You won't have to wait long to actually build something functional.

下载地址  http://download.csdn.net/detail/swifttrain/8475395
