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您当前位置:首页 > web前端 > htmlcss > SwwetAlert消息提示插件,支持手机移动响应式替换alert漂亮的消息提示插件


来源:程序员人生   发布时间:2015-03-12 08:54:02 阅读次数:5328次



  • 官方地址:http://tristanedwards.me/sweetalert IE11有闪退
  • IE11无闪退 地址:http://www.js-css.cn/jscode/tips/tips13/


swal("Good job!", "You clicked the button!", "success")



IE11无闪退JS (sweet-alert.min.js)

!function (e, t) { function n() { var e = '<div class="sweet-overlay" tabIndex="⑴"></div><div class="sweet-alert" tabIndex="⑴"><div class="icon error"><span class="x-mark"><span class="line left"></span><span class="line right"></span></span></div><div class="icon warning"> <span class="body"></span> <span class="dot"></span> </div> <div class="icon info"></div> <div class="icon success"> <span class="line tip"></span> <span class="line long"></span> <div class="placeholder"></div> <div class="fix"></div> </div> <div class="icon custom"></div> <h2>Title</h2><p>Text</p><button class="cancel" tabIndex="2">Cancel</button><button class="confirm" tabIndex="1">OK</button></div>', n = t.createElement("div"); n.innerHTML = e, t.body.appendChild(n) } function o(t) { var n = y(), o = n.querySelector("h2"), r = n.querySelector("p"), a = n.querySelector("button.cancel"), c = n.querySelector("button.confirm"); if (o.innerHTML = b(t.title).split(" ").join("<br>"), r.innerHTML = b(t.text || "").split(" ").join("<br>"), t.text && w(r), x(n.querySelectorAll(".icon")), t.type) { for (var l = !1, s = 0; s < f.length; s++) if (t.type === f[s]) { l = !0; break } if (!l) return e.console.error("Unknown alert type: " + t.type), !1; var u = n.querySelector(".icon." + t.type); switch (w(u), t.type) { case "success": g(u, "animate"), g(u.querySelector(".tip"), "animateSuccessTip"), g(u.querySelector(".long"), "animateSuccessLong"); break; case "error": g(u, "animateErrorIcon"), g(u.querySelector(".x-mark"), "animateXMark"); break; case "warning": g(u, "pulseWarning"), g(u.querySelector(".body"), "pulseWarningIns"), g(u.querySelector(".dot"), "pulseWarningIns") } } if (t.imageUrl) { var d = n.querySelector(".icon.custom"); d.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + t.imageUrl + ")", w(d); var p = 80, m = 80; if (t.imageSize) { var v = t.imageSize.split("x")[0], h = t.imageSize.split("x")[1]; v && h ? (p = v, m = h, d.css({ width: v + "px", height: h + "px" })) : e.console.error("Parameter imageSize expects value with format WIDTHxHEIGHT, got " + t.imageSize) } d.setAttribute("style", d.getAttribute("style") + "width:" + p + "px; height:" + m + "px") } n.setAttribute("data-has-cancel-button", t.showCancelButton), t.showCancelButton ? a.style.display = "inline-block" : x(a), t.cancelButtonText && (a.innerHTML = b(t.cancelButtonText)), t.confirmButtonText && (c.innerHTML = b(t.confirmButtonText)), c.style.backgroundColor = t.confirmButtonColor, i(c, t.confirmButtonColor), n.setAttribute("data-allow-ouside-click", t.allowOutsideClick); var S = t.doneFunction ? !0 : !1; n.setAttribute("data-has-done-function", S) } function r(e, t) { e = String(e).replace(/[^0⑼a-f]/gi, ""), e.length < 6 && (e = e[0] + e[0] + e[1] + e[1] + e[2] + e[2]), t = t || 0; var n = "#", o, r; for (r = 0; 3 > r; r++) o = parseInt(e.substr(2 * r, 2), 16), o = Math.round(Math.min(Math.max(0, o + o * t), 255)).toString(16), n += ("00" + o).substr(o.length); return n } function a(e) { var t = /^#?([a-fd]{2})([a-fd]{2})([a-fd]{2})$/i.exec(e); return t ? parseInt(t[1], 16) + ", " + parseInt(t[2], 16) + ", " + parseInt(t[3], 16) : null } function i(e, t) { var n = a(t); e.style.boxShadow = "0 0 2px rgba(" + n + ", 0.8), inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)" } function c() { var e = y(); B(p(), 10), w(e), g(e, "showSweetAlert"), v(e, "hideSweetAlert"), I = t.activeElement; var n = e.querySelector("button.confirm"); n.focus(), setTimeout(function () { g(e, "visible") }, 500) } function l() { var n = y(); T(p(), 5), T(n, 5), v(n, "showSweetAlert"), g(n, "hideSweetAlert"), v(n, "visible"); var o = n.querySelector(".icon.success"); v(o, "animate"), v(o.querySelector(".tip"), "animateSuccessTip"), v(o.querySelector(".long"), "animateSuccessLong"); var r = n.querySelector(".icon.error"); v(r, "animateErrorIcon"), v(r.querySelector(".x-mark"), "animateXMark"); var a = n.querySelector(".icon.warning"); v(a, "pulseWarning"), v(a.querySelector(".body"), "pulseWarningIns"), v(a.querySelector(".dot"), "pulseWarningIns"), e.onkeydown = M, t.onclick = A, I && I.focus(), L = void 0 } function s() { var e = y(); e.style.marginTop = C(y()) } var u = ".sweet-alert", d = ".sweet-overlay", f = ["error", "warning", "info", "success"], y = function () { return t.querySelector(u) }, p = function () { return t.querySelector(d) }, m = function (e, t) { return new RegExp(" " + t + " ").test(" " + e.className + " ") }, g = function (e, t) { m(e, t) || (e.className += " " + t) }, v = function (e, t) { var n = " " + e.className.replace(/[ ]/g, " ") + " "; if (m(e, t)) { for (; n.indexOf(" " + t + " ") >= 0;) n = n.replace(" " + t + " ", " "); e.className = n.replace(/^s+|s+$/g, "") } }, b = function (e) { var n = t.createElement("div"); return n.appendChild(t.createTextNode(e)), n.innerHTML }, h = function (e) { e.style.opacity = "", e.style.display = "block" }, w = function (e) { if (e && !e.length) return h(e); for (var t = 0; t < e.length; ++t) h(e[t]) }, S = function (e) { e.style.opacity = "", e.style.display = "none" }, x = function (e) { if (e && !e.length) return S(e); for (var t = 0; t < e.length; ++t) S(e[t]) }, k = function (e, t) { for (var n = t.parentNode; null !== n;) { if (n === e) return !0; n = n.parentNode } return !1 }, C = function (e) { e.style.left = "⑼999px", e.style.display = "block"; var t = e.clientHeight, n = parseInt(getComputedStyle(e).getPropertyValue("padding"), 10); return e.style.left = "", e.style.display = "none", "-" + parseInt(t / 2 + n) + "px" }, B = function (e, t) { t = t || 16, e.style.opacity = 0, e.style.display = "block"; var n = +new Date, o = function () { e.style.opacity = +e.style.opacity + (new Date - n) / 100, n = +new Date, +e.style.opacity < 1 && setTimeout(o, t) }; o() }, T = function (e, t) { t = t || 16, e.style.opacity = 1; var n = +new Date, o = function () { e.style.opacity = +e.style.opacity - (new Date - n) / 100, n = +new Date, +e.style.opacity > 0 ? setTimeout(o, t) : e.style.display = "none" }; o() }, E = function (n) { if (MouseEvent) { var o = new MouseEvent("click", { view: e, bubbles: !1, cancelable: !0 }); n.dispatchEvent(o) } else if (t.createEvent) { var r = t.createEvent("MouseEvents"); r.initEvent("click", !1, !1), n.dispatchEvent(r) } else t.createEventObject ? n.fireEvent("onclick") : "function" == typeof n.onclick && n.onclick() }, q = function (t) { "function" == typeof t.stopPropagation ? (t.stopPropagation(), t.preventDefault()) : e.event && e.event.hasOwnProperty("cancelBubble") && (e.event.cancelBubble = !0) }, I, A, M, L; e.sweetAlert = e.swal = function () { function n(e) { var t = e.keyCode || e.which; if (-1 !== [9, 13, 32, 27].indexOf(t)) { for (var n = e.target || e.srcElement, o = -1, r = 0; r < h.length; r++) if (n === h[r]) { o = r; break } 9 === t ? (n = -1 === o ? v : o === h.length - 1 ? h[0] : h[o + 1], q(e), n.focus(), i(n, u.confirmButtonColor)) : (n = 13 === t || 32 === t ? -1 === o ? v : void 0 : 27 !== t || b.hidden || "none" === b.style.display ? void 0 : b, void 0 !== n && E(n, e)) } } function a(e) { var t = e.target || e.srcElement, n = e.relatedTarget, o = m(d, "visible"); if (o) { var r = -1; if (null !== n) { for (var a = 0; a < h.length; a++) if (n === h[a]) { r = a; break } -1 === r && t.focus() } else L = t } } var u = { title: "", text: "", type: null, allowOutsideClick: !1, showCancelButton: !1, confirmButtonText: "OK", confirmButtonColor: "#AEDEF4", cancelButtonText: "Cancel", imageUrl: null, imageSize: null }; if (void 0 === arguments[0]) return e.console.error("sweetAlert expects at least 1 attribute!"), !1; switch (typeof arguments[0]) { case "string": u.title = arguments[0], u.text = arguments[1] || "", u.type = arguments[2] || ""; break; case "object": if (void 0 === arguments[0].title) return e.console.error('Missing "title" argument!'), !1; u.title = arguments[0].title, u.text = arguments[0].text || u.text, u.type = arguments[0].type || u.type, u.allowOutsideClick = arguments[0].allowOutsideClick || u.allowOutsideClick, u.showCancelButton = arguments[0].showCancelButton || u.showCancelButton, u.confirmButtonText = u.showCancelButton ? "Confirm" : u.confirmButtonText, u.confirmButtonText = arguments[0].confirmButtonText || u.confirmButtonText, u.confirmButtonColor = arguments[0].confirmButtonColor || u.confirmButtonColor, u.cancelButtonText = arguments[0].cancelButtonText || u.cancelButtonText, u.imageUrl = arguments[0].imageUrl || u.imageUrl, u.imageSize = arguments[0].imageSize || u.imageSize, u.doneFunction = arguments[1] || null; break; default: return e.console.error('Unexpected type of argument! Expected "string" or "object", got ' + typeof arguments[0]), !1 } o(u), s(), c(); for (var d = y(), f = function (e) { var t = e.target || e.srcElement, n = "confirm" === t.className, o = m(d, "visible"), a = u.doneFunction && "true" === d.getAttribute("data-has-done-function"); switch (e.type) { case "mouseover": n && (e.target.style.backgroundColor = r(u.confirmButtonColor, -.04)); break; case "mouseout": n && (e.target.style.backgroundColor = u.confirmButtonColor); break; case "mousedown": n && (e.target.style.backgroundColor = r(u.confirmButtonColor, -.14)); break; case "mouseup": n && (e.target.style.backgroundColor = r(u.confirmButtonColor, -.04)); break; case "focus": var i = d.querySelector("button.confirm"), c = d.querySelector("button.cancel"); n ? c.style.boxShadow = "none" : i.style.boxShadow = "none"; break; case "click": n && a && o && u.doneFunction(), l() } }, p = d.querySelectorAll("button"), g = 0; g < p.length; g++) p[g].onclick = f, p[g].onmouseover = f, p[g].onmouseout = f, p[g].onmousedown = f, p[g].onfocus = f; A = t.onclick, t.onclick = function (e) { var t = e.target || e.srcElement, n = d === t, o = k(d, e.target), r = m(d, "visible"), a = "true" === d.getAttribute("data-allow-ouside-click"); !n && !o && r && a && l() }; var v = d.querySelector("button.confirm"), b = d.querySelector("button.cancel"), h = d.querySelectorAll("button:not([type=hidden])"); M = e.onkeydown, e.onkeydown = n, v.onblur = a, b.onblur = a, e.onfocus = function () { e.setTimeout(function () { void 0 !== L && (L.focus(), L = void 0) }, 0) } }, function () { "complete" === t.readyState || "interactive" === t.readyState ? n() : t.addEventListener ? t.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function e() { t.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", arguments.callee, !1), n() }, !1) : t.attachEvent && t.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", function () { "complete" === t.readyState && (t.detachEvent("onreadystatechange", arguments.callee), n()) }) }() }(window, document);


  1. 目前,官网代码对IE11存在闪退问题
    1. 可将不闪退js代码替换官网插件的js代码