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来源:程序员人生   发布时间:2015-03-09 08:19:50 阅读次数:3547次


GGSCI (zbdba1) 36> info all Program Status Group Lag at Chkpt Time Since Chkpt MANAGER RUNNING EXTRACT RUNNING EXT1 00:00:00 00:00:00 EXTRACT RUNNING EXT2 00:00:00 00:00:09 GGSCI (zbdba1) 37> status mgr Manager is running (IP port zbdba1.7839). GGSCI (zbdba1) 38> status extract ext1 EXTRACT EXT1: RUNNING GGSCI (zbdba1) 39> info extract ext1,detail EXTRACT EXT1 Last Started 2015-03-03 21:20 Status RUNNING Checkpoint Lag 00:00:00 (updated 00:00:03 ago) Log Read Checkpoint Oracle Redo Logs 2015-03-03 21:41:55 Seqno 48, RBA 22201344 SCN 0.1296423 (1296423) Target Extract Trails: Remote Trail Name Seqno RBA Max MB /ogg/dirdat/sa 0 0 100 ./dirdat/sa 0 54236007 100 Extract Source Begin End /opt/oracle/oradata/orcl11g/redo03.log 2015-03-03 21:20 2015-03-03 21:41 Not Available * Initialized * 2015-03-03 21:20 Current directory /ogg Report file /ogg/dirrpt/EXT1.rpt Parameter file /ogg/dirprm/ext1.prm Checkpoint file /ogg/dirchk/EXT1.cpe Process file /ogg/dirpcs/EXT1.pce Stdout file /ogg/dirout/EXT1.out Error log /ogg/ggserr.log GGSCI (zbdba1) 40> send extract ext1 status Sending STATUS request to EXTRACT EXT1 ... EXTRACT EXT1 (PID 1839) Current status: Recovery complete: At EOF Current read position: Redo thread #: 1 Sequence #: 48 RBA: 22201344 Timestamp: 2015-03-03 21:41:55.000000 SCN: 0.1296423 Current write positions: Sequence #: 0 RBA: 0 Timestamp: 2015-03-03 21:20:22.216536 Extract Trail: /ogg/dirdat/sa Sequence #: 0 RBA: 54236007 Timestamp: 2015-03-03 21:42:25.527048 Extract Trail: ./dirdat/sa GGSCI (zbdba1) 41> stats extract ext1 Sending STATS request to EXTRACT EXT1 ... Start of Statistics at 2015-03-03 21:42:40. DDL replication statistics (for all trails): *** Total statistics since extract started *** Operations 1.00 Mapped operations 1.00 Unmapped operations 0.00 Other operations 0.00 Excluded operations 0.00 Output to ./dirdat/sa: Extracting from OGG.GGS_MARKER to OGG.GGS_MARKER: *** Total statistics since 2015-03-03 21:24:31 *** No database operations have been performed. *** Daily statistics since 2015-03-03 21:24:31 *** No database operations have been performed. *** Hourly statistics since 2015-03-03 21:24:31 *** No database operations have been performed. *** Latest statistics since 2015-03-03 21:24:31 *** No database operations have been performed. Extracting from ZBDBA.TEST to ZBDBA.TEST: *** Total statistics since 2015-03-03 21:24:31 *** Total inserts 86589.00 Total updates 0.00 Total deletes 0.00 Total discards 0.00 Total operations 86589.00 *** Daily statistics since 2015-03-03 21:24:31 *** Total inserts 86589.00 Total updates 0.00 Total deletes 0.00 Total discards 0.00 Total operations 86589.00 *** Hourly statistics since 2015-03-03 21:24:31 *** Total inserts 86589.00 Total updates 0.00 Total deletes 0.00 Total discards 0.00 Total operations 86589.00 *** Latest statistics since 2015-03-03 21:24:31 *** Total inserts 86589.00 Total updates 0.00 Total deletes 0.00 Total discards 0.00 Total operations 86589.00 Extracting from ZBDBA.TEST3 to ZBDBA.TEST3: *** Total statistics since 2015-03-03 21:24:31 *** Total inserts 86592.00 Total updates 0.00 Total deletes 0.00 Total discards 0.00 Total operations 86592.00 *** Daily statistics since 2015-03-03 21:24:31 *** Total inserts 86592.00 Total updates 0.00 Total deletes 0.00 Total discards 0.00 Total operations 86592.00 *** Hourly statistics since 2015-03-03 21:24:31 *** Total inserts 86592.00 Total updates 0.00 Total deletes 0.00 Total discards 0.00 Total operations 86592.00 *** Latest statistics since 2015-03-03 21:24:31 *** Total inserts 86592.00 Total updates 0.00 Total deletes 0.00 Total discards 0.00 Total operations 86592.00 End of Statistics. GGSCI (zbdba1) 42> stats extract ext1 reportrate hr Sending STATS request to EXTRACT EXT1 ... Start of Statistics at 2015-03-03 21:43:05. DDL replication statistics (for all trails): *** Total statistics since extract started *** Operations 1.00 Mapped operations 1.00 Unmapped operations 0.00 Other operations 0.00 Excluded operations 0.00 Output to ./dirdat/sa: Extracting from OGG.GGS_MARKER to OGG.GGS_MARKER: *** Total statistics since 2015-03-03 21:24:31 *** No database operations have been performed. *** Daily statistics since 2015-03-03 21:24:31 *** No database operations have been performed. *** Hourly statistics since 2015-03-03 21:24:31 *** No database operations have been performed. *** Latest statistics since 2015-03-03 21:24:31 *** No database operations have been performed. Extracting from ZBDBA.TEST to ZBDBA.TEST: *** Total statistics since 2015-03-03 21:24:31 *** Total inserts/hour: 280006.18 Total updates/hour: 0.00 Total deletes/hour: 0.00 Total discards/hour: 0.00 Total operations/hour: 280006.18 *** Daily statistics since 2015-03-03 21:24:31 *** Total inserts/hour: 280006.18 Total updates/hour: 0.00 Total deletes/hour: 0.00 Total discards/hour: 0.00 Total operations/hour: 280006.18 *** Hourly statistics since 2015-03-03 21:24:31 *** Total inserts/hour: 280006.18 Total updates/hour: 0.00 Total deletes/hour: 0.00 Total discards/hour: 0.00 Total operations/hour: 280006.18 *** Latest statistics since 2015-03-03 21:24:31 *** Total inserts/hour: 280006.18 Total updates/hour: 0.00 Total deletes/hour: 0.00 Total discards/hour: 0.00 Total operations/hour: 280006.18 Extracting from ZBDBA.TEST3 to ZBDBA.TEST3: *** Total statistics since 2015-03-03 21:24:31 *** Total inserts/hour: 280015.88 Total updates/hour: 0.00 Total deletes/hour: 0.00 Total discards/hour: 0.00 Total operations/hour: 280015.88 *** Daily statistics since 2015-03-03 21:24:31 *** Total inserts/hour: 280015.88 Total updates/hour: 0.00 Total deletes/hour: 0.00 Total discards/hour: 0.00 Total operations/hour: 280015.88 *** Hourly statistics since 2015-03-03 21:24:31 *** Total inserts/hour: 280015.88 Total updates/hour: 0.00 Total deletes/hour: 0.00 Total discards/hour: 0.00 Total operations/hour: 280015.88 *** Latest statistics since 2015-03-03 21:24:31 *** Total inserts/hour: 280015.88 Total updates/hour: 0.00 Total deletes/hour: 0.00 Total discards/hour: 0.00 Total operations/hour: 280015.88 End of Statistics. GGSCI (zbdba1) 44> send extract ext1,getlag Sending GETLAG request to EXTRACT EXT1 ... Last record lag: 2 seconds. At EOF, no more records to process. GGSCI (zbdba1) 45> lag extract ext* Sending GETLAG request to EXTRACT EXT1 ... Last record lag: 2 seconds. At EOF, no more records to process. Sending GETLAG request to EXTRACT EXT2 ... Last record lag: 10 seconds. At EOF, no more records to process. GGSCI (zbdba1) 46> view report ext1 *********************************************************************** Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle Version OGGCORE_11. Linux, x64, 64bit (optimized), Oracle 11g on Apr 23 2012 08:42:16 Copyright (C) 1995, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Starting at 2015-03-03 21:20:41 *********************************************************************** Operating System Version: Linux Version #1 SMP Wed Jun 13 18:24:36 EDT 2012, Release 2.6.32⑵79.el6.x86_64 Node: zbdba1 Machine: x86_64 soft limit hard limit Address Space Size : unlimited unlimited Heap Size : unlimited unlimited File Size : unlimited unlimited CPU Time : unlimited unlimited Process id: 1839 Description: *********************************************************************** ** Running with the following parameters ** *********************************************************************** 2015-03-03 21:20:41 INFO OGG-03035 Operating system character set identified as UTF⑻. Locale: en_US, LC_ALL:. EXTRACT EXT1 setenv ( NLS_LANG = AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHS16GBK ) Set environment variable (NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHS16GBK) USERID ogg,PASSWORD *** DDL INCLUDE MAPPED OBJTYPE 'TABLE' INCLUDE MAPPED OBJTYPE 'IDNEX' INCLUDE MAPPED OBJTYPE 'SEQUENCE' INCLUDE MAPPED OBJTYPE 'VIEW' INCLUDE MAPPED OBJTYPE 'PROCEDURE' IN CLUDE MAPPED OBJTYPE 'FUNCTION' INCLUDE MAPPED OBJTYPE 'PACKAGE' INCLUDE MAPPED OBJTYPE 'MATERIALIZED VIEW' EXCLUDE OPTYPE COMMENT DDLOPTIONS ADDTRANDATA NOCROSSRENAME REPORT GGSCI (zbdba1) 47> send mgr childstatus Sending CHILDSTATUS request to MANAGER ... Child Process Status - 2 Entries ID Group Process Retry Retry Time Start Time ---- -------- --------- ----- ------------------- ------------------- 0 EXT1 1839 0 None 2015/03/03 21:19:38 1 EXT2 1848 0 None 2015/03/03 21:20:56 GGSCI (zbdba1) 48> info extract ext1,showch EXTRACT EXT1 Last Started 2015-03-03 21:20 Status RUNNING Checkpoint Lag 00:00:00 (updated 00:00:04 ago) Log Read Checkpoint Oracle Redo Logs 2015-03-03 21:45:44 Seqno 48, RBA 22211584 SCN 0.1296506 (1296506) Current Checkpoint Detail: Read Checkpoint #1 Oracle Redo Log Startup Checkpoint (starting position in the data source): Thread #: 1 Sequence #: 47 RBA: 33336336 Timestamp: 2015-03-03 21:20:22.000000 SCN: Not available Redo File: Recovery Checkpoint (position of oldest unprocessed transaction in the data source): Thread #: 1 Sequence #: 48 RBA: 22211088 Timestamp: 2015-03-03 21:45:44.000000 SCN: 0.1296506 (1296506) Redo File: /opt/oracle/oradata/orcl11g/redo03.log Current Checkpoint (position of last record read in the data source): Thread #: 1 Sequence #: 48 RBA: 22211584 Timestamp: 2015-03-03 21:45:44.000000 SCN: 0.1296506 (1296506) Redo File: /opt/oracle/oradata/orcl11g/redo03.log Write Checkpoint #1 GGS Log Trail Current Checkpoint (current write position): Sequence #: 0 RBA: 0 Timestamp: 2015-03-03 21:20:22.216536 Extract Trail: /ogg/dirdat/sa Write Checkpoint #2 GGS Log Trail Current Checkpoint (current write position): Sequence #: 0 RBA: 54236007 Timestamp: 2015-03-03 21:46:38.082286 Extract Trail: ./dirdat/sa CSN state information: CRC: 43-DD-D5-AF Latest CSN: 1296177 Latest TXN: 5.8.1011 Latest CSN of finished TXNs: 1296177 Completed TXNs: 5.8.1011 Header: Version = 2 Record Source = A Type = 10 # Input Checkpoints = 1 # Output Checkpoints = 2 File Information: Block Size = 2048 Max Blocks = 100 Record Length = 2048 Current Offset = 0 Configuration: Data Source = 3 Transaction Integrity = 1 Task Type = 0 Status: Start Time = 2015-03-03 21:20:41 Last Update Time = 2015-03-03 21:46:38 Stop Status = A Last Result = 400 GGSCI (zbdba1) 58> send extract ext1,showtrans Sending SHOWTRANS request to EXTRACT EXT1 ... No transactions found Oldest redo log file necessary to restart Extract is: Redo Log Sequence Number 48, RBA 32715280.
