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安装MySQL Enterprise Monitor

来源:程序员人生   发布时间:2015-03-03 08:36:33 阅读次数:2847次

    MySQL Enterprise Monitor是专门为MySQL数据库而设计的1款企业级监控,能非常好地与MySQL各方面特性相结合,包括:MySQL的关键性能指标、主机、磁盘、备份、新特性相干和各种场景下的架构配置,并支持从单节点到海量节点部署的环境。它不但能够全面地监控MySQL的运行状态,还能及时发现潜伏的问题并给出优化建议。本文描写了MySQL Enterprise Monitor的安装进程。



General Platform Recommendations

The following are recommended:

? Ensure that your Service Manager and Agent hosts are synchronized to the same time server. It is important that all times are properly synchronized.

? Ensure that your Service Manager and Agent hosts use different SSH host keys before installing.

MySQL Requirements

This section describes the MYSQL Server requirements for MySQL Enterprise Monitor installation.

? The Enterprise Server Manager repository requires MySQL Server 5.6.14 or higher.

? The Monitoring Agent can monitor any version of MySQL Server from version 5.0 onwards.


Ensure the following:

? The MySQL Server version is 5.6.14 or higher.

? The InnoDB storage engine is available.

? SSL is enabled.

You must ensure the following in the MySQL Server configuration:

? Query Cache must not be enabled.

? Set innodb_file_per_table=1.

? Set innodb_file_format=Barracuda.

? On Linux/Unix hosts, ensure innodb_flush_method=O_Direct, except on Solaris if ZFS is used.

If using ZFS, comment out this parameter.

? It is recommended to set innodb_log_file_size=2048M.


2、MySQL Enterprise Monitor架构图及安装步骤

c、在每一个要监视的MySQL server上按住EM agent


3、安装MySQL Enterprise Monitor

[root@SZDB tools]# ls -hltr
total 999M
-rwxrwxr-x 1 robin mysql 252M Sep 30 02:32 mysqlmonitor⑶.0.15.3058-linux-x86_64-update-installer.bin
-rwxrwxr-x 1 robin mysql 252M Sep 30 02:32 mysqlmonitor⑶.0.15.3058-linux-x86_64-installer.bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 robin mysql  13K Sep 30 05:09 README_en.txt
-rw-rwxr-- 1 robin mysql  13K Sep 30 05:09 READ_ME_ja.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 robin mysql 495M Nov 11 08:11 MySQLmem3015.zip
[root@SZDB tools]# chmod u+x mysqlmonitor⑶.0.15.3058-linux-x86_64-*.bin
[root@SZDB tools]# ./mysqlmonitor⑶.0.15.3058-linux-x86_64-installer.bin
Language Selection

Please select the installation language       #选择安装语言
[1] English - English
[2] Japanese - 日本
