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【整理向】Symfony2 Jobeet Day 2: The Project

来源:程序员人生   发布时间:2014-09-26 11:35:43 阅读次数:2669次

    We have not written a single line of code yet, but, in Day 1, we setup the environment and created an empty Symfony project.

    This day is about the project specifications. Before diving into the code head-first, let’s describe the project a bit more. The following sections describe the features we want to implement in the first version/iteration of the project with some simple stories.

User Stories

   The Jobeet website will have four type of users: admin (owns and manages the website), user (visits the website looking for a job), poster (visits the website to post jobs) and affiliate (re-publishes jobs on his website).

    In the original tutorial, we had to make two applications, the frontend, where the users interact with the website, and the backend, where admins manage the website. Using Symfony 2.3.2, we would not do this anymore. We will have only one application and, in it, a separate secured section for admins.

Story F1: On the homepage, the user sees the latest active jobs

    When a user comes to Jobeet website, he sees a list of active jobs. The jobs are sorted by category and then by publication date
