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来源:程序员人生   发布时间:2014-11-20 09:03:10 阅读次数:3195次


create or replace procedure proc_ValidityDueQuery( p_regioncode in number, p_pscode in number, p_outputcode in number, p_pollutantType in number, p_psclasscode in varchar2, p_attencode in varchar2, p_checkstatus in number, p_auditstatus in number, p_cursor out curdata ) as begin open p_cursor for 'select bs.regioncode, bs.regionname, bs.pscode, bs.psname, bs.outputcode, bs.outputname, bs.ptype, bd.chkname, bd.approvename, bd.pollutantname, case when ((bd.maxvalidtill - sysdate) > 0 and (bd.maxvalidtill - sysdate) <= 7) then ''yellow'' when (sysdate - bd.maxvalidtill) > 0 then ''red'' end color, case when bs.ptype = 1 then ''水'' when bs.ptype = 2 then ''气'' end pstype, bd.auddate, to_char(bd.maxvalidtill, ''yyyy-MM-dd HH24:mi'') validtill from (select vb.regioncode, vb.regionname, vb.pscode, vb.psname, vo.outputcode, vo.outputname, vo.ptype from (select oregioncode regioncode, oregionname regionname, pscode, psname from v_baseinfo where 1 = 1 '|| case when p_regioncode >0 then 'and oregioncode='|| p_regioncode else '' end ||' '|| case when p_pscode>0 then 'and pscode='|| p_pscode else '' end ||' '|| case when p_psclasscode<>'0' then 'and psclasscodexc in ('|| p_psclasscode ||')' else '' end ||' '|| case when p_attencode<>'0' then 'and attentiondegreecode in ('|| p_attencode ||')' else '' end ||' ) vb, (select pscode, outputcode, outputname, inout, psstatus, ptstatus, ptype from v_output t where psstatus = 0 and ismonitor = 1 and ptstatus = 0 '|| case when p_pscode>0 then 'and pscode='|| p_pscode else '' end ||' '|| case when p_outputcode>0 then 'and outputcode='|| p_outputcode else '' end ||' '|| case when p_checkstatus=1 then 'and isgjkh=1 or isskkh=1' when p_checkstatus=0 then 'and isgjkh=0 or isskkh=0' else '' end || ' and ptype ='|| p_pollutantType ||' '|| case when p_psclasscode<>'0' then 'and psclasscodexc in ('|| p_psclasscode ||')' else '' end ||' '|| case when p_attencode<>'0' then 'and attentiondegreecode in ('|| p_attencode ||')' else '' end ||' ) vo where vb.pscode = vo.pscode) bs, (select pscode, outputcode, pollutantname, pollutantcode, auddate,maxvalidtill, approvename, chkname from v_scenecommonite where checkresult=''1'' '|| case when p_pscode>0 then 'and pscode='|| p_pscode else '' end ||' '|| case when p_outputcode>0 then 'and outputcode='|| p_outputcode else '' end ||' '|| case when p_auditstatus=1 then 'and ((maxvalidtill - sysdate) > 0 and (maxvalidtill - sysdate) <= 7)' when p_auditstatus=2 then 'and maxvalidtill >= sysdate⑼0' when p_auditstatus=3 then 'and sysdate>maxvalidtill' else '' end ||' ) bd Where bs.pscode=bd.pscode and bs.outputcode=bd.outputcode order by bd.maxvalidtill desc, bs.regioncode, bs.pscode, bs.outputcode'; end proc_ValidityDueQuery;


--创建临时表 --判断是不是存在 select count(*) into v_num from user_tables where table_name=upper('zstemptable'); --如果不存在则创建 if v_num=0 then execute immediate 'create global temporary table zstemptable(id number(1),reviseddata number(20,6)) on commit preserve rows'; end if; --插入数据 execute immediate 'insert into zstemptable select 1,RevisedStrength from (select RevisedStrength from t_mod_gasfachourdata where pscode = '|| p_pscode ||' and outputcode = '|| p_outputcode ||' and pollutantCode = '''|| p_pollutantcode ||''' and monitorTime < to_date('''|| p_recordTime ||''',''yyyy-MM-dd HH24:mi:ss'') and availableStatus = 0 order by MonitorTime desc) where rownum = 1'; --查询数据 execute immediate 'select count(*) from zstemptable where id=1' into v_hisstrength; --清除表信息 execute immediate 'truncate table zstemptable';
