Update to the Apple Push Notification Service
October 22, 2014
The Apple Push Notification service will be updated and changes to your servers may be required to remain compatible.
In order to protect our users against a recently discovered security issue with SSL version 3.0 the Apple Push Notification server will remove support for SSL 3.0 on Wednesday, October 29. Providers using only SSL 3.0 will need to support TLS as soon as possible
to ensure the Apple Push Notification service continues to perform as expected. Providers that support both TLS and SSL 3.0 will not be affected and require no changes.
"鉴于SSL 3.0最新发现的漏洞,为了保护用户,APNS决定在下周3也就是10月29号起开始停止对SSL 3.0的支持。所有仅支持SSL 3.0的推送服务需要更换为TLS以确保推送服务能够正常运行,同时支持了SSL 3.0和TLS的服务不会遭到此次更新的影响。(下午我们公司所有的推送服务立马停止了)
To check for compatibility, we have already disabled SSL 3.0 on the Provider Communication interface in the development environment only. Developers can immediately test in this development environment to make sure push notifications can be sent to applications.
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and its successorTransport Layer Security (TLS) are protocols which use cryptographic algorithms
to secure the communication between 2 entities. It is just a secure layer running on top of HTTP.