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How to SetUp The Receiving Transaction Manager

来源:程序员人生   发布时间:2014-11-03 08:57:10 阅读次数:2587次

In this Document


http://www.wfuyu.com/oracle/ Inventory Management - Version: 10.7 to 12.1.3 - Release: 10.7 to 12.1
Information in this document applies to any platform.
***Checked for relevance on 21-Mar⑵012*** 

EXECUTABLE:RCVTPO - Receiving Transaction Manager


How to set up The Receiving Transaction Manager?. 


1.  Log in with Sysadmin Responsibility 
Go to: Concurrent -> Manager -> Administer 

a) Verify the STATUS of Receiving Transaction Manager. It should be Up and Running. If it is not up, press RESTART button. Go to Help -> View My Requests, and ensure that this request is completed normally. 

b) Verify the PROCESSES column. Here the ACTUAL and TARGET columns should have the same number. 

c) Go to: Concurrent -> Manager -> Define 
Query for Receiving Transaction Manager. Once you get it, click on the WORKSHIFTS button. Make sure that a Workshift is selected. If not selected, then select one. If needed, you can create a Workshift, by going to Concurrent -> Manager -> Workshifts. 

d) Go back to the Purchasing Responsibility and try to Receive.  It should work. If it still does not work, repeat steps: a-d.

2. Please refer to Note.404336.1 - How Many Processes Should Be Set For The Receiving Transaction Manager (RTM) to make sure you have enough processes for your enterprise. If the issue is intermittent and typically occurs during higher volume usage of receiving you most likely do not have enough processes running to handle the volume of users. 


NOTE:404336.1 - How Many Processes Should Be Set For The Receiving Transaction Manager (RTM)?
NOTE:552702.1 - How To Relink and Bounce the Receiving Executables?